Why Water Matters
Pure Water is the World’s First and Foremost Medicine. – Slovakian Proverb Did you know that your body is made of 70-80% water? In...
Choosing Change for Health & Wellness
If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies. Change doesn’t have to be hard, but for the most part, it terrifies us. We...
Let's Be Clear About Coconut Oil ...
The American Heart Association (AHA) released a report warning against the use of coconut oil. The author of the study says he has no...
The Dangers of Farmed Fish
I want to share with you the dangers of consuming farmed fish. This is an image from our local grocery store. The price difference...
Benefits of Hot Lemon Water, ACV and Raw Honey & Ph Balance
A client asked me recently what the benefits were of drinking the "Elixir" I drink and love and recommend to others. What is this...
20 Things I’ve Done That Have Changed My Life
Put myself out there . I lived most of my life thinking I had to hide or had to be perfect if someone did see me. Maybe it took turning...