2745 West Layton Avenue, Suite 102 Greenfield, Wisconsin 53221
(414) 331-8626

Transformation of Mind & Body
Through Holistic Health & Wellness
Breast Thermography
Take Control of Your Breast Health
Every month should be breast cancer PREVENTION month!!
Are you personally at a greater risk for breast cancer?
A woman living in the United States has a 1-in-8 lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer.
In the 1970s this risk was 1-in-11. Increased risk is not because women are being made differently, it's because today we are exposed to more and more causes of inflammation.
Thermography provides an individualized breast cancer risk assessment.
Women with a family history are definitely at greater risk, but 85% of women who get breast cancer have no family history of the disease.
Thermography plays an important role in breast cancer prevention. Breast Thermography can warn women if they have estrogen activation in the breasts or inflammation (heat) present that may indicate risk.
The most significant risk factors for breast cancer are age (getting older) and gender (being a woman). 80% of all breast cancers are estrogen driven. To be clear, estrogen doesn't cause breast cancer, it feeds it.
Thermography offers accurate scanning for women under 40.
Approximately 1/3 of all breast cancers occur in women under 45.
No one test is perfect.
Studies show up to a 61% increase in survival rate when thermography and mammography are used together. Mammography can confirm or deny if you have a tumor. Thermography can provide information to assess your risk for developing a tumor.
Sample Breast Scans

Normal Breast Scan

Abnormal Breast Scan
Why worry about some day when you can take command of your health with preventative measures now?
Thermography increases our education and informs of you of your state of health.
Ready to Understand Your Risk?

Breast Thermography Pricing
Pricing for all scans includes:
images, doctor's report & review appointment and
coaching session/information with Integrative Health Coach
Initial Breast Scan $249
Annual follow-up Breast Scan $224
3-month follow-up Breast Scan $179*
6-month follow-up Breast Scan $199*
*Follow-ups are as suggested by interpreting doctor.

Contact Information
Phone: 414.331.8626
Email: Kelly@RenewHolisticWellness.com
Address: 2745 West Layton Avenue,
Greenfield, WI 53221
Services by appointment only
Please note, we reserve the right to decline a request for service
Our Location

© 2018 by Renew Holistic Wellness, LLC
Contact Information
Phone: 414.331.8626
Email: Kelly@RenewHolisticWellness.com
Address: 2745 West Layton Avenue,
Greenfield, WI 53221
Services by appointment only
Please note, we reserve the right to decline a request for service
Our Location

© 2018 by Renew Holistic Wellness, LLC